
Supersymmetry is one of graded Lie algebra, and it is interesting subject.

Wess&Bagger, Supersymmetry and Supergravity

A. Notation and Spinor Algebra

B. Results in Spinor Algebra

1. Why Supersymmetry?

2. Representations of the Supersymmetry Algebra

3. Component Fields

4. Superfields

5. Chiral Superfields

6. Vector Superfields

7. Gague Invariant Interactions

8. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

9. Superfield Propagators

10. Feynman Rules for Supergraphs

11. Nonlinear Realizations

12. Differential Forms in Superspace

13. Gauge Theoreis Revisited

14. Bielbein, Torsion, and Curvature

15. Bianchi Identities

16. Supergauge Transformations

17. The $\theta=\bar{\theta}=0$ components of the Viellbein, Connection, Torsion, and Curvature

18. The Supergravity Multiplet

19. Chiral and Vector Superfields in Curved Space

20. New $\Theta$ Variables and the Chiral Density

21. The Minimal Chiral Supergravity Model

22. Chiral Models and Kahler Geoemtry

23. General Chiral Supergravity models

24. Gague Invariant Models

25. Gague Invariant Supergravity Models

26. Low-Energy Theorems

C. Kahler Geometry

D. Isometries and Kahler Geometry

E. Nonlinear Realizations

F. Nonlinear Realizations and Invariant Actions

G. Gauge Invariant Supergravity Models

Tong, Supersymmetric Field Theory

1. Introduction

2. The Supersymmetry Algebra

3. Chiral Superfields

4. Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

5. Boot Camp: Quantum Gauge Dynamics

6. Supersymmetric QCD

7. More Supersymmetric Gauge Dynamics