Quantum Field Theory

Weinberg, The Quantum Theory of Fields

Weinberg's QFT textbook is both a bible and a Pandora's box.

It is said that just reading it can bring both enlightenment and pain.

Read this first.

Peskin&Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory

[2] Klein-Gordon Field Quantization

[3] Dirac Field Quantization

[4] Perturbation

[7,10] QED Renormalization

[9,16] Path Integral Quantization

[11,12] Renormalization Group

[16] QCD Renormalization

[6,18] Vertex Operator

[9,19] Ward Identity and Anomaly

[16,19] Asymptotic Freedom and Trace Anomaly

1. Historical Introduction

1.1 Relativistic Wave Mechanics

1.2 The Birth of Quantum Field Theory

1.3 The Problems of Infinities

2. Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

2.1 Quantum Mechanics

2.2 Symmetries

2.3 Quantum Lorentz Transformations

2.4 The Poicare Algebra

2.5 One-Particle States

2.6 Space Inversion and Time-Reversal

2.7 Projective Representations

2. Appendix A The Symmetry Representation Theorem

2. Appendix B Group Operators and Homotopy Classes

2. Appendix C Inversions and Degenerate Multiplets

2. Problems

3. Scattering Theory

3.1 'In' and 'Out' States

3.2 The $S$-matrix

3.3 Symmetries of the $S$-Matrix

3.4 Rates and Cross-Sections

3.5 Perturbation Theory

3.6 Implications of Unitary

3.7 Partial-Wave Expansions

3.8 Resonance

3. Problems

4. The Cluster Decomposition Principle

4.1 Bosons and Fermions

4.2 Creation and Annihilation Operators

4.3 Cluster Decomposition and Connected Amplitudes

4.4 Structure of the Interaction

4. Problems

5. Quantum Fields and Antiparticles

5.1 Free Fields

5.2 Causal Scalar Fields

5.3 Causal Vector Fields

5.4 The Dirac Formalism

5.5 Causal Dirac Fields

5.6 General Irreducible Representations of the Homogeneous Lorentz Group

5.7 General Causal Fields

5.8 The $CPT$ Theorem

5.9 Massless Particle Fields

5. Problems

6. The Feynman Rules

6.1 Derivation of the Rules

6.2 Calculation of the Propagator

6.3 Momentum Spce Rules

6.4 Off the Mass Shell

6. Problems

7. The canonical Formalism

7.1 Canonical Variables

7.2 The Lagrangian Formalism

7.3 Global Symmetries

7.4 Lorentz Invariance

7.5 Transition to Interaction Picture: Examples

7.6 Constraints and Dirac Brackets

7.7 Field Redefinitions and Redundant Couplings

7. Appendix Dirac Brackets from Canonical Commutators

7. Problems

8. Electrodynamics

8.1 Gauge Invariance

8.2 Constraints and Gauge Conditions

8.3 Quantization in Coulomb Gauge

8.4 Electrodynamics in the Interaction Picture

8.5 The Photon Propagator

8.6 Feynman Rules for Spinor Electrodynamics

8.7 Compton Scattering

8.8 Generalization: $p$-form gauge Fields

8. Appendix Traces

8. Problems

9. Path-Integral Methods

9.1 The General Path-integral Formula

9.2 Transiton to the $S$-Matrix

9.3 Lagrangian Version of the Path-Integral Formula

9.4 Path-Integral Derivation of Feynman Rules

9.5 Path Integrals for Fermions

9.6 Path-Integral Formulation of QUantum Electrodynamics

9.7 Varieties of Statistics

9. Appendix Gaussian Multiple Integrals

9. Problems

10. Non-Perturbative Methods

10.1 Symmetries

10.2 Pology

10.3 Fields and Mass Renormalization

10.4 Renormalized Cahrge and Ward Identities

10.5 Gauge Invariance

10.6 Electromagnetic Form Factors and Magnetic Moment

10.7 The Kallen-Lehmann Representation

10.8 Dispersion Relations

10. Problems

11. One-Loop Radiative Correnctions in QUantum Electrodynamics

11.1 Counterterms

11.2 Vacuum Polarization

11.3 Anomalous Magnetic Moments and Charge Radii

11.4 Electron Self-Energy

11.Appendix Assorted Ingerals

11. Problems

12. General Renormalization Theory

12.1 Degrees of Divergence

12.2 Cancellation of Divergences

12.3 Is Renormalizability Necessary?

12.4 The Floating Cutoff

12.5 Accidental Symmetries

12. Problems

13. Infrared Effects

13.1 Soft Photon Amplitudes

13.2 Virtual Soft Photons

13.3 Real Soft Photons; Cancellation of Divergences

13.4 General Infrared Divergences

13.5 Soft Photon Scattering

13.6 The External Field Approximation

13. Problems

14. Bound States in External Fields

14.1 The Dirac Equation

14.2 Radiative Corrections in External Fields

14.3 The Lamb Shift in Light Atoms

14. Problems

15. Non-Ableian Gauge Theories

15.1 Gauge Invariance

15.2 Gauge Theory Lagrangians and Simple Lie Groups

15.3 Fields Equations and Conservation Laws

15.4 Quantization

15.5 The De Witt-Faddeev-Popov Method

15.6 Ghosts

15.7 BRST Symmetry

15.8 Generalizations of BRST Symmetry

15.9 The Batalin-Vilkovisky Formalism

15. Appendix A A Theorem Regarding Lie Algebras

15. Appendix B The Cartan Catalog


16. External Field Methods

16.1 The Quantum Effective Action

16.2 Calculation of the Effective Potential

16.3 Energy Interpretation

16.4 Symmetries of the Effective Action

16. Problems

17. Renormalization of Gauge Theories

17.1 The Zinn-Justin Equation

17.2 Renormalization: Direct Analysis

17.3 Renormalization: General Gauge Theories

17.4 Background Field Gauge

17.5 A One-Loop Calculation in Background Field Gauge

17. Problems

18. Renormalization Group Methods

18.1 Where do the Large Logarithms Come From?

18.2 The Sliding Scale

18.3 Varieties of Asymptotic Behavior

18.4 Multiple Couplings and Mass Effects

18.5 Critical Phenomena

18.6 Minimal Subtraction

18.7 Quantum Chromodynamics

18.8 Improved Perturbation Theory

18. Problems

19. Spontaneously Broken Global Symmetries

19.1 Degenerate Vacua

19.2 Goldstone Bosons

19.3 Spontaneously Broken Approximate Symmetries

19.4 Pions as Goldstone Bosons

19.5 Effective Field Theories: Pions and Nucleons

19.6 Effective Field Theories: General Broken Symmetries

19.7 Effective Field Theories: $SU(3)\times SU(3)$

19.8 Anomalous Terms in Effective Field Theories

19.9 Unbroken Symmetries

19.10 The $U(1)$ Problem

19. Problems

20. Operator Product Expansions

20.1 The Expansion: Dscription and Derivation

20.2 Momentum Flow

20.3 Renormalization Group Equations for Coefficient Functions

20.4 Symmetry Properties of Coefficient Functions

20.5 Spectral Function Sum Rules

20.6 Deep Inelastic Scattering

20.7 Renormalous

20. Appendix Momentum Flow: The General Case


21. Spontatneously Broken Gauge Symmetries

21.1 Unitarity Gauge

21.2 Renormalizable $\zeta$-Gauges

21.3 The Electroweak Theory

21.4 Dynamically Broken Local Symmetries

21.5 Electroweak-Strong Unification

21.6 Superconductivity

21. Appendix General Unitarity Gauge

21. Problems

22. Anomalies

22.1 The $\pi^0$ Decay Problem

22.2 Transformation of the Measure: The Abelian Anomaly

22.3 Direct Calculation of Anomalies: The General Case

22.4 Anomaly-Free Gauge Theories

22.5 Massless Bound States

22.6 Consistency Conditions

22.7 Anomalies and Goldstone Bosons

22. Problems

23. Extended Field Configurations

23.1 The Uses of Topology

23.2 Homotopy Groups

23.3 Monopoles

23.4 The Cartan-Manrer Integral Invariant

23.5 Instantons

23.6 The Theta Angle

23.7 Quantum Fluctuations around Extended Field Configurations

23.8 Vacuum Deccay

23. Appendix A Euclidean Path Integrals

23. Appendix B A List of Homotopy Group

23. Problems

24. Historical Introduction

24.1 Unconventional Symmetries and 'No-Go' Theorems

24.2 The Birth of Supersymmetry

24. Appendix A $SU(6)$ Symmetry of Non-Relativistic Quark Models

24. Appendix B The Colman-Mandula Theorem

24. Problems

25. Supersymmetry Algebras

25.1 Graded Lie Algebras and Graded Parameters

25.2 Supersymmetry Algebras

25.3 Space Inversion Properties of Supersymmetry Generators

25.4 Massless Particle Supermultiplets

25.5 Massive Particle Supermultiplets

25. Problems

26. Supersymmetry Field Theories

26.1 Direct Construction of Field Supermultiplets

26.2 General Superfields

26.3 Chiral and Linear Superfields

26.4 Renormalizable Theoreis of Chiral Superfields

26.5 Spontatneous Supersymmetry Breaking in the Tree Approximation

26.6 Superspace Integrals, Field Equations, and the Current Superfield

26.7 The Supercurrent

26.8 General Kahler Potentials

26. Appendix Majorana Spinors

26. Problems

27. Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

27.1 Gauge-Invariant Actions for Chiral Superfields

27.2 Gauge-Invariant Action for Abelian Gauge Superfileds

27.3 Gauge-Invariant Action for General Gauge Superfields

27.4 Renormalizable Gauge Theoreis with Chiral Superfields

27.5 Supersymmetry Breaking in the Tree Approximation Resumed

27.6 Perturbative Non-Renormalization Theorems

27.7 Soft Supersymmetry Breaking

27.8 Another Approach: Gauge-Invariant Supersymmetry Transformations

27.9 Gauge Theories with Extended Supersymmetry

27. Problems

28. Supersymmetric Versions of the Standard Model

28.1 Superfields, Anomalies, and Conservation Laws

28.2 Supersymmetry and Strong-Electroweak Unification

28.3 Where is Supersymmetry Broken?

28.4 The Minomal Supersymmetric Standard Model

28.5 The Sector of Zero Baryon and Lepton Number\

28.6 Gauge Mediation of Supersymmetry Breaking

28.7 Baryon and Lepton Non-Conservation

28. Problems

29. Beyond Perterbation Theory

29.1 General Aspects of Supersymmetry Breaking

29.2 Supersymmetry Current Sum Rules

29.3 Non-Perturbative Corrections to the Superpotential

29.4 Supersymmetry Breaking in Gauge Theories

29.5 The Seiberg-Witten Solution

29. Problems

30. Supergraphs

30.1 Potential Superfields

30.2 Superpropagators

30.3 Calculations with Supergraphs

30. Problems

31. Supergravity

31.1 The Metric Superfield

31.2 The Gravitational Action

31.3 The Gravitino

31.4 Anomaly-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking

31.5 Local Supersymmetry Transformations

31.6 Supergravity to All Orders

31.7 Gravity-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking

31. Appendix The Vierbein Formalism

31. Problems

32. Supersymmetry Algebras in Higher Dimensions

32.1 General Supersymmetry Algebras

32.2 Massless Multiplets

32.3 $p$-Branes

32. Appendix Spinors in Higher Dimentions

32. problems


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Weinberg image - Quanta Magazine