Mathematics Map

This is physics-based academic dictionary.

The goal is to make sci-fi a reality, especially artificial consciousness and warp drive.

Anyone can learn academics, but it requires your own curiosity and effort.

The journey to find beauty in the vast universe is difficult, but if we are together,

the journey is not lonely.

Mathematics is a natural science that is freer and more rigorous than any other discipline.

Mathematicians throughout history are like a gift to humanity and have broadened our thinking.

Let's learn mathematics together, which is pure like white but infamous like darkness.

The rigor of mathematics comes from the foundations of mathematics.

- Mathematical Logic

- Set theory

- Category theory

- Homotopy Type Theory

Discrete mathematics is difficult to understand, but sometimes very powerful.

- Sequence

- Combination

- Graph theory

Although number purification seems familiar to us, it actually holds many secrets.


Solving equations is an age-old task.

How about read Dummit&Foot - Abstract Algebra?

- Linear Algebra

- Group

- Ring

- Field

- Lie group/Representation

- Commutativ Algebra

Geometry paints a picture that goes beyond what meets the eye.

- Euclidean Geometry

- Topology

- Differential Geometry

- Riemanian Geometry

- Algebraic Topology

- Algebraic Geometry

Mathematical physics is analysis.

- Calculus

- Real Analysis

- Complex Analysis

- Functional Analysis

All we have to accept as truth are statistics.

- Probability Theory

- Statistical Methodology

People do not calculate it directly. The computer does it.


Life is optimization.

