
Munkers, Topology

 Topology is the first step in geometry.

Chapter 1 Set Theory and Logic

1 Fundamental Concepts

2 Functions

3 Relations

4 The Integers and the Real Numbers

5 Cartesian Products

6 Finite Sets

7 Countable and Uncountable Sets

8 The Principle of Recursive Definition

9 Infinite Sets and the Axiom of Choice

10 Well-Ordered Sets

11 The Maximum Principle

Supplementary Exercises Well-Ordering

Chapter 2 Topological Spaces and Continuous Functions

12 Topological Spaces

13 Basis for a Topology

14 The Order Topology

15 The Product Topology on $X\times Y$

16 The Subspace Topology

17 Closed Sets and Limit Points

18 Continuous Functions

19 The Product Topology

20 The Metric Topology

21 The Metric Topology (continued)

22 The Quotient Topology

Chapter 3 Connectedness and Compactness

23 Connected Spaces

24 Connected Subspaces of the Real Line

25 Components and Local Connectedness

26 Compact Spaces

27 Compact Subspaces of the Real Line

28 Limit Point Compactness

29 Local Compactness

Supplementary Exercises Nets

Chapter 4 Countability and Separation Axioms

30 The Countability Axioms

31 The Separation Axioms

32 Normal Spaces

33 The Urysohn Lemma

34 The Urysohn Metrization Theorem

35 The Tietze Extension Theorem

36 Imbeddings of Manifolds

Supplementary Exercises Review of the Basics

Chapter 5 The Tychonoff Theorem

37 The Tychonoff Theorem

38 The Stone-tech Compactification

Chapter 6 Metrization Theorems and Paracompactness

39 Local Finiteness

40 The Nagata-Smirnov Metrization Theorem

41 Paracompactness

42 The Smirnov Metrization Theorem

Chapter 7 Complete Metric Spaces and Function Spaces

43 Complete Metnc Spaces

*44 A Space-Filling Curve

45 Compactness in Metric Spaces

46 Pointwise and Compact Convergence

47 Ascolis Theorem

Chapter 8 Baire Spaces and Dimension Theory

48 Baire Spaces

49 A Nowhere-Differentiable Function

50 Introduction to Dimension Theory

Exercises: Locally Euclidean Spaces

Chapter 9 The Fundamental Group

Section 51 Homotopy of Paths

Section 52 The Fundamental Group

Section 53 Covering Spaces

Section 54 The Fundamental Group of the Circle

Section 55 Retractions and Fixed Points

Section 56 The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

Chapter 10 Separation Theorems in the Plane

61 The Jordan Separation Theorem

62 Invariance of Domain

63 The Jordan Curve Theorem

64 Imbedding Graphs in the Plane

65 The Winding Number of a Simple Closed Curve

66 The Cauchy Integral Formula

Chapter 11 The Kampen Theorem

67 Direct Sums of Abelian Groups

68 Free Products of Groups

69 Free Groups

70 The Seifert-van Kampen Theorem

71 The Fundamental Group of a Wedge of Circles

72 Adjoining a Two-cell

73 The Fundamental Groups of the Torus and the Dunce Cap

Chapter 12 Classification of Surfaces

74 Fundamental Groups of Surfaces

75 Homology of Surfaces

76 Cutting and Pasting

77 The Classification Theorem

78 Constructing Compact Surfaces

Chapter 13 Classification of Covering Spaces

79 Equivalence of Covering Spaces

80 The Universal Covering Space

81 Covering Transformations

82 Existence of Covering Spaces

ssuppLementary Exercises: Topological Properties and $\pi_1$

Chapter 14 Applications to Group Theory.

83 Covering Spaces of a Graph

84 The Fundamental Group of a Graph

85 Subgroups of Free Groups



Munkres - Topology

Munkres Topology First Part Solution

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Chapter 2,3 solution