Physics Map
This is physics-based academic dictionary.
The goal is to make sci-fi a reality, especially artificial consciousness and warp drive.
Anyone can learn academics, but it requires your own curiosity and effort.
The journey to find beauty in the vast universe is difficult, but if we are together,
the journey is not lonely.
Physics is the mathematical structure of natural philosophy.
As Newton said, and with Newton's first steps.
$F = ma$
An enlightenment different from the five senses awaits.
Newton open physics's door.
This is most fundamental structure of physics.
- Newtonian Mechenics
- Lagrangian Mechanics
- Hamiltonian Mechanics
- Chaos and Complex System
Faraday assume 'field', and Maxwell make it computable.
This is complete of dynamics and beginning of field.
- Electrostatic Magnetism
- Circuit Theory
- Electromagnetism
- Electromagnetic Wave
- Radiation
- Special Relativity
20th century physisist realize nature is quantized.
This is comcept of 'infinite' in nature.
- Formalism
- One dimention
- Higher dimention
- Symmetry
- Purtubation
- Quantum Information
- Supersymmetry
Boltzmann is very famous for his sad life. Let's pray for him.
This many-body dynamics which appear new kinds of quantities.
- Formalism
- Ensemble
- Mean Field Theory
- Effective Field Theory
- Phase Transition
The largest area of physics.
This look strongly correlated system with phase transistion..
Faraday assume 'field', and Maxwell make it computable.
This is really complete of dynamics..
- Formalism
- Tensor
- Symmetry
- Gauge
Quantum field can describe fundamental dynamics almost perfectly.
This is complete of infinite dynamics..
Just look Weinberg QFT textbook!
- Formalism
- Free Field theory
- Purturbation Theory
- Ward Identity
- Vertex Operator
- Renormalization
- Gauge theory
- Symmetry
- Standard Model
- Anomaly
- Conformal Field Theory
- Supersymmetric QFT
Einstein's intuition was amazing.
This is geometically complete of dynamics..
- Formalism
- Einstein Field Equation
- Symmetry
- Purturbation
- Black Hole
What is reality? Duality can be reality.
This is relation between two different theory..
- Particle-Vortex duality
- Gauge-Gravity duality
Is string theory can be end theory? We don't know.
This is complete of physics..
- Kaluza-Klien Theory
- Relativistic String
- Quantum String
- Purturbation
Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics